When addressing skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, glycation, and more, I predominantly rely on advanced modalities and treatments to enhance and expedite results. It's crucial to emphasize that preparation of the skin weeks before these advanced treatments is essential. I advocate for a 'progressive not aggressive' approach, which not only minimizes inflammation but also optimizes the healing process. Explore the range of advanced treatments I offer and find answers to frequently asked questions below!


Thousands of little microchannels are stamped into the skin, while microneedling technique glides needles across the surface of the skin creating controlled wounds. The growth factor serum, deprived from bone marrow stem cells, is applied into the channels promoting collagen and elastin production, and other healthy building blocks to promote scarless healing with minimum inflammation.

Treats The Following Conditions:

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Razor Bumps

Acne Scarring & Pits

Stretch Marks

Sun Damage / Dark Spots


Firms, Tightens & Tones Skin

(Non-Raised) Scarring

Hair Loss


  • Scleroderma

    Cardiac Abnormalities

    Collagen Vascular Disease

    Blood Clotting problems

    Active Bacterial and Fungal Infections

    Immunosupressions (HIV, LUPUS, ETC)

    Scars Less Than 6 Months Old


    History of Actinic Scolar Kertosis

    Herpes Simplex (Cold Sores) - You will need to be on an anti-viral while getting treatments


    High Blood Pressure

    Raised Moles

    Allergy to Steel

  • YES, but you have to wait 2 weeks before and 2 weeks prior to your appointment

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  • Yes, treatment can be done same day, and along with a facial.

    Cost is $200 per treatment - AFTERCARE IS REQUIRED

    Recommended 2-3 treatments for fine lines and wrinkles

    4-6 treatments for deep wrinkles, and acne scarring - packages are available

  • Microneedling and Microchanneling are one in the same. The only difference is the technique used to create the channels. They both are Collagen Induction therapies. While Microchanneling downtime may be a little less than Microneedling being that Microneedling needles can go deeper in the skin.



Chemical peels are control inflicted wounds. They are intended to remove the outermost layer of skin. Chemical peels can reduce fine lines & wrinkles, shrink pore size, even skin tone, smooth out textured skin, lift & firm, and lift hyperpigmentation.

Prepping For The Chemical Peel

Firstly, you need to be on a skincare regimen that is supporting your skin pre and post peel for a few weeks. This matters because they work diligently to fortify the skin's natural barrier, ultimately reducing the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), adverse reactions, and ensuring a smoother peel experience.

Supporting your skincare regimen with at least 2 facials will not only help support your skin barrier’s strength, but it will also tell me if your skin is ready for a chemical peel. This preparation facial can include enzymes, or a very gentle peel mixed with a mask. You are still treating your skin’s condition with these facials.


  • YES & NO!

    NO - because not all peels are made strong enough for that kind of cell turnover (peeling). Some peels are made as steppingstone peels to prep for higher percentage peels, and to give your skin that chemical exfoliation and glow it needs without having a lot of downtime.

    YES - Medium (some level 2& mostly level 3 peels) are made with stronger acids at higher percentages yielding a more aggressive cell turn over (peeling). Most time this happens when peels are layered for a more severe form of exfoliation.

    Deep peels - which will NEVER BE PERFORMED AT SKIN WITH LATRIESHA are made to be done with a MD (dermatologist) in house. These are mainly done at Med spas and dermatologist offices because they reach the dermis, which is illegal for solo estheticians to do in the state of NC.

  • MandeliClear Peel

    Modified Jessner Peel made up of Salicylic acid 7%, Lactic Acid 7%, Resorcinol 7% Mandelic Acid 9% that’s fit for Fitz 1-5. Mild to Heavy Peeling

    Benefits: Lighten PIH due to acne, Melasma, and photodamage, and also heals mild acne scarring

    Who Can’t Use This Peel: Aspirin or Salicylic sensitivity, hypersensitivity or anyone highly allergic, dry, dehydrated skin or compromised lipid barrier, Accutane within the past year, glycolic or salicylic acid within the past week, pregnant or nursing, herpetic breakout, open wounds or suspicious lesions, Retin-A or Renova within the past week

    Applied Every 2-3 Months


    Alpha Beta Peel 30/10

    Lactic Acid 30% & Salicylic Acid 10% peel - Exfoliating, Anti-Bacterial & Brightening. Little to NO Peeling

    Benefits: Ideal for combination, congestion, oily prone skin, Aging

    Who Can’t Use This Peel: Aspirin or Salicylic sensitivity, Hypersensitivity or anyone highly allergic, dry, dehydrated skin or compromised lipid barrier, Accutane within the past year, glycolic or salicylic acid within the past week, pregnant or nursing, herpetic breakout, open wounds or suspicious lesions, Retin-A or Renova within the past week

    Applied Once a Month (4 weeks)


    Lactic Acid

    Lactic Acid 20%-45% - Exfoliating, Hydrating, and Brightening. NO DOWNTIME

    Benefits: Suitable for most skin types, ideal for aging, dry and sensitive skin types. Fitzpatrick 1-6

    Who Can’t Use This Peel: Hypersensitivity or anyone highly allergic, dry, dehydrated skin or compromised lipid barrier, Accutane within the past year, glycolic or salicylic acid within the past week, pregnant or nursing, herpetic breakout, open wounds or suspicious lesions, Retin-A or Renova within the past week

    Applied Once a Month (4 weeks)


    Vitamin A Accelerator

    Retinol 2.5% - Promotes cell turnover, increases collagen and elastin through fibroblast stimulation Mild to Heavy Peeling

    Benefits: Suitable for all skin types- aging, dry, fine lines, lightening of post-inflammatory pigmentation, photo damaged Fitz 1-6

    Who Can’t Use This Peel: Vitamin A sensitivity, hypersensitivity or anyone highly allergic, dry, dehydrated skin or compromised lipid barrier, Accutane within the past year, glycolic or salicylic acid within the past week, pregnant or nursing, herpetic breakout, open wounds or suspicious lesions, Retin-A or Renova within the past week

    Applied Every 4-6 weeks

  • DEPENDS ON THE PEEL BUT GENERALLY… (this does NOT apply to the acne peels)

    1. After 12 hours cleanse with the Vitamin Veil Cleanser, applying to fingertips and lightly cleanse in a circular motion over face and neck. DO NOT USE A CLOTH. Rinse with cool water and pat dry.

    2. Apply 2 drops of Vitamin C Reversal Serum, allow to dry.

    3. Apply Post Peel Balm to entire treated area.

    4. Avoid direct sunlight for the duration of the peel. Apply Light Day Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF-37. SUN PROTECTION AT ALL TIMES IS VERY IMPORTANT.

    5. Continue normal home regimen after peeling is completed. The use of retinols can resume 14 days after the peel.

    Aftercare Kits are REQUIRED $30

  • 1. Do not cleanse skin for 12 hours after the peel.

    2. Do not put face directly under hot shower.

    3. Do not use Jacuzzis, steam rooms or saunas.

    4. Do not participate in activities that would cause excessive sweating.

    5. Do not use any scrubs or mechanical forms of exfoliation.

    6. No scrubs, retinoic acids, AHA’s, BHA’s, or astringents until the skin has healed.





A unique alternative to chemical peels that works to help the body generate its own cellular energy, safely replenishing healthy components without causing damage. This treatment imparts an immediate boost to the look and feel of aging skin. SWiCH uses Pyruvic and Succinic Acid


  • When performed on the appropriate candidate, it is very safe and does not burn the skin, as traditional peel treatments can. SWiCH™ is a leave-on system. The active ingredients remain to provide longevity in repair and restoration. The client uses special home care for three days. Treatments may be repeated at monthly intervals for 6 to 12 months for maximum cumulative effects.

  • A warm sensation may be experienced during the treatment for about sixty seconds. Most clients experience little or no peeling. Some red- ness may result which subsides in a few hours. It is important to follow the instructions on the home care kit provided after the treatment. Follow the directions of your skin care professional before and after a SWiCH™ treatment.

  • You will discontinue use of retinol products 14 days prior to treatment, and follow the recommendations to extend and enhance your results.

  • Every four- to- six weeks, for 6-12 sessions, and comes with a follow up raspberry enzyme facial every 2 weeks in between the every 4-6 weeks.

  • You will continue to use the after-care cleanser and cream for three days after SWiCH. Makeup may be applied the day after treatment. Eye makeup and lipstick may be worn immediately.

  • SWiCH™ should not be used by anyone who is pregnant, nursing, or allergic to aspirin or salicylates. Cancer patients may not receive SWiCH. You will discontinue use of any products containing Vitamin A for 14 days prior to treatment and will not use Vitamin A for one month afterward.