Microneedling: Poke Me Please

What is Microneedling?

Mirconeedling is the process of using small needles in a pen device that delivers self-controlled puncture wounds to the skin. You may have heard it call “Collagen induction Therapy”.

So, what's the big deal? Well, when these needles poke your skin, it’s like a wake-up call for your skin cells. They're all, "Hey, we need to do something about these wrinkles and fine lines!" And then they start producing collagen and elastin with the help of growth factor serums, which are like the building blocks of youthful-looking skin.

But wait, there's more! Microneedling can also help with:

  • Acne scars & other scars

  • Enlarged pores & Texture

  • Uneven skin tone

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Enhance skin rejuvenation and product absorption

What Happens During a Microneedling Procedure?

During your microneedling session, I will clean up the treatment area and apply some numbing cream on it. The medication takes 15-20 minutes to work. Once the site feels numb, the treatment will begin. The procedure itself usually takes about 15 minutes. The expected side effects of skin needling treatment are mild tenderness and tightness, swelling and redness at the site. All of these are part of the normal inflammatory process, which is necessary for inducing skin repair mechanisms. This usually lasts about 2-3 days, but you’ll have your aftercare products to help.

What is aftercare like? Well, you’ll need to avoid direct sunlight for 24 hours after the treatment. Do not touch your skin with your hands or cellphone for the first 24 hours. We don’t want to run the risk of possible infection. Here’s a break down of what to expect with Microneedling.

Day 1: Right after Treatment

Your skin will likely feel tight and dry. This would be similar to a small sunburn feeling. If you feel like your skin is extra tight, you can gently rinse your skin with cool water, and the serum that comes with the provided aftercare routine.

Please avoid ….

  1. Any type of exercise and steamy hot showers. This include saunas and hot tubs.

  2. As mentioned above, Direct sunlight. Please use sunscreen 24 hours after the treatment is done. This is vital.

  3. Wearing makeup. You have open wounds on your face, applying anything other than what is given during the healing process can clog pores, transfer bacteria from brushes, and other applications causing an infection.

  4. Your regular skincare routine that can cause irritation like retinol, any forms of vitamin A, BHAs, AHAs, fragrances and physical exfoliation.

  5. Any blood thinners, and pain medications that are NSAIDs

Day 2 - 3: What to Expect

Your skin will still feel really tight, be pink/red, feel a lot more like a sunburn, swelling, and more dry. Don’t worry, these are signs that your skin is really healing, and on it’s way to a more youthful look. You will be using the required aftercare products to help combat these side effects. Drink lots of water to help with hydration. Your routine should still be gentle and simple. Sunscreen should be worn generously and avoid being directly in sunlight. Some people will begin to peel a little, but we’ll talk about that a little more later.

Day 4 and 5: Whew! You look a little normal now

The side effects should be calming down, and the skin is still healing. You may still be feeling some of the effects, but not like the first 2 days after treatment. Remember that peeling I was talking about earlier. Yeah, you may be experiencing this. This is normal. So don’t worry. Just keep your skin hydrated with the products. You may return to doing light exercise, but if you feel like your skin is really sensitive still, avoid until skin is completely healed.

Day 6 and 7: Healed and looking good!

Your skin may still be peeling a little on day 6. This is normal as it’s signs your skin cells are turnovering. This is important for collagen and elastin production. By day 7, your skin texture should have improved. As your body continues to produce new collagen and healthy skin cells over the next several weeks, improvement will become more noticeable.

Here’s what you can do now….

  1. Go back to your normal skin care routine with your actives

  2. Wear makeup (as long as your done healing and there’s no peeling)

  3. Go back to your normal exercise routine.

Your next treatment should be in 4-6 weeks. Microneedling can be paired with other treatments like dermaplaning, and very light chemical peels. If you’re interested in this treatment, here’s a few things you can do…

  1. You can book the new client facial appointment if you’re a new facial client OR

  2. if you’re already a facial client, you can ask about or book your treatment at your next appointment.

…. Remember, there is a REQUIRED aftercare products that needs to be purchased PRIOR to your treatment.